Monday, February 11, 2013

Death by Procrastination

There is the writing I love...the writing that wakes me up at night whispering ideas.  Then there is the writing that helps pay the bills.  Certainly, until I get the novel finished, the two will likely remain quite separate. 

The writing I love is so all encompassing that I scribble notes at stop lights, jots reminders on my arm with Sharpie, and chant bits of dialogue for fear of losing the idea before I can memorialize it.

The "other writing" can be a...chore. At times I feel like a rebellious ten year old, whining in her messy room, spending the day doing anything other than what needs to be done. 

I had no idea that procrastination was so exhausting.

What do you do when there are thing to be done, but you can't quite make yourself do them? 


  1. Worry! Then let myself feel guilty for not getting everything done. Then let it go and get back to work. :)

  2. I sit down and have a private pep talk with myself then get to work. If that doesn't I try doing something OI enjoy then go back with a refreshed mind.

  3. I write about it. Looks like we have one of the same coping mechanisms! :)


  4. I've decided to tell myself that if I'm going to goof off, I'm going to goof off productively. So if I can't make myself do the 'writing that pays the bills,' I just go back to working on my novel. Then at least a few hours later I won't hate myself for how much youtube or how many webcomics I've read. In fact, a few hours later I'll have something to be proud of, and I'll say, "okay, time to work."

    That's what I'm trying to do, anyway. Goof off productively!

  5. I love the idea of goofing off productively. I did end up working on the novel, and then the next day I was able to work on articles, so I guess it really does help. I think that sometimes the reason I can't focus on paying work is that the work of my heart is screaming to be heard and written down. Once I give it some attention, my brain lets me get back to the paying gig.
