Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Because They Said No a/k/a Slaying the Dragon

There are those that help us along our journey through their kindness and support.  There are others that inspire us to succeed...if for no other reason than the glory of proving them wrong.  I have both of these types of people in my life.  Fortunately, I have far more of the supportive variety.

But a little buggie recently informed me that another had confided that my work here was "just for show" and that "nothing would come of it."  I will admit, my first reaction was to pain.  For a moment, I even contemplated finding refuge behind the bathroom door (the only place a mom can find privacy...and then only rarely) and shedding a tear or two.  But I didn't.  Because I realized several things, all at once, and now I can share these things with you:
  1. There will always be people who think I "can't do it."  Even when this book is complete, and even if it finds some measure of success, they will still think it didn't do well enough.  And if it does undeniably well, they will think it was a fluke.  So be it.
  2. There will always be people who make themselves feel better about their neglecting their own dreams by killing another's dream.  This is to be pitied.
  3. There will always be people who do not appreciate my book (or my sense of humor, or my red hair, or...whatever).  They don't have to.  
  4. There are people who will pick you apart, if you let them.  Don't let them.
So, instead of retiring behind closed doors, I went back to my computer and typed out over 4,000 words that night.  And the next day, I typed some more...and so it continues.

I have nothing to prove.  But I do have a dream out there, and I plan on chasing it until the day I die.*  First one book, then another.  I choose to view these people as the dragon standing in the way of my treasure.  Every time I sit down at the computer to write, I am slaying the dragon.     

This is actually St. George, The Dragon Slayer,
but let's just pretend it is me.
So, you see, in some small way, the naysayers are also pushing me to complete this book.  I am sure it is not intentional, but it motivates me all the same.  Like the hopeful writer who, upon receiving their 37th rejection, sends it off "just one more time," I will press on.   

While proving them wrong is not my objective, it will be a nice reward for having completed the book. 

*knocking on wood (please join in)


  1. And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it. - Paulo Coelho

  2. Ah, from your lips (keyboard?) to God's ears! (Love that quote!)

  3. I want to plus 1 this 15 million times. There will always be people out there that want to tear you down. Just look at it this way: You've identified that one. Blow them off and just keep writing. You'll NEVER look back and say,"Oh man, I wish I had listened to that jerk-face." Besides, your talent needs to be out there for others to see :)

    1. You have been one of those wonderfully supportive people. I appreciate all of your help and encouragement! Such a talented artist...such a lovely soul!

  4. Okay, here's the deal and you know it to be true: a lot of people here on this planet just suck. Nothing we can do about that. The trick is to gather the ones that don't around you. Now, a few will slip through under the radar because they pose as people they aren't, unavoidable. Next are the few that ride along with the people you really need. They are the negative ions in your Karmic Molecule. Believe it or not, you still need them to hold the whole thing together. It's science, baby!
    Just make sure the balance of it is more positive than negative and you will soon be building amazing things. You already are and you know that, but sometimes a near perfect stranger needs to tell you.
    I love your stuff and I love your blog. You share and we recognize these things in our lives too.
    P.s.: Dr. Who is lame.

    1. You had me at Karmic Molecule. You lost me again with the whole Doctor Who is lame, thing. But overall you rock, so I can forgive you this oversight.

  5. When someone disparages my writing, or even my desire to write, I feel sad...for them! Many of them have said, "Oh, I'd write a book someday, if I only had the time." Well, I MAKE the time to do it, just like you do. Just like anyone who makes a career out of writing does.

    If you have a dream to do something, whether it be to write a book, to retire by age 50, to sail around the world, or even something small like plant a vegetable garden or finish reading the complete works of Shakespeare, the only way you're going to do any of it is to make time for it and do it. I don't listen to people who won't make time for their dreams.

    I don't expect the whole universe to love my books, if they are ever published, but I do expect them to appreciate the effort I made. Or at least not to make themselves feel bigger by trying to diminish what I've decided to do with my spare time.

    Keep writing! I, for one, can't wait to read your book. And I love red hair, since I'm stuck with it myself (at least the parts that haven't turned gray!).

    1. I agree--too many people disparage our dreams yet never pursue their own. It is sad. I fully expect you to be published before long. I see how hard you work. Talent and determination are a powerful combination!

      My son has read hair too. For a while he called it off brown, but now he admits that he is a ginger. (He started embracing it after an episode of Doctor Who

      Just one more reason Doctor Who is not lame, Patrick!

  6. That is such an excellent attitude. I may borrow those four points and pin them up on my wall.
